Alana McCool, natural left habitus (photo by D. Nolin).
Traditional Illustrations
Snow Trillium (Trillium nivale)
Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus)
Bookmark: Striped Maple (Acer pensylvanicum)
Bookmark: Wall-rue (Asplenium ruta-muraria)
Ice pans in eddy on the Little Miami River. Ball-point pen.
four lichen vignettes. Pen and colored pencil, 2x3 in. each
button lichen study at three scales (Amandinea sp.) pen and watercolor
It filled the violet-blue sky (total eclipse 2017) Acrylic, 5x4 in.
Smooth Rockcress (Boechera lavigata). Acrylic.
Bookmarks: The Four Seasons: Winter (Symplocarpus foeditus, Hamamelis virginiana, Hepatica acticuloba, Trillium nivale); Spring (Sanguinaria canadensis, Erythronium americanum, Iris cristata, Jeffersonia diphylla); Summer (Silene regia, Ratibida pinnata, Euphorbia corellata, Fillipendula rubra); Autumn (Solidago canadensis, Symphyotrichum, Eupatorium, Solidago rigida).
Johnny Darter (Etheostoma nigrum). Pen.
Vector Illustrations
Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadense)
tachinid fly (Eucelatoria gladiatrix)
Genitalia of tachinid fly (Vibrissina sp.) |
Maps of West Region of Ohio nature preserves with bedrock, physiographic region, original vegitation, and glacial thickness maps. These images are examples of using Inkscape layers and clipping to make quick and dirty mock-ups for personal research use.
Viceroy with Cornus sp.
Round-leaf Hepatica (Hepatica rotundifolia)
White Turtlehead (Chelone glabra) |
Puffball mushrooms
Lesser Fringed Gentian (Gentianopsis virgata)
Purple Cress (Cardamine douglassii)
White Trout Lily (Erythronium albidum)
Sharp-lobed Hepatica (Hepatica acticuloba)
Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadense)
Stiff Goldenrod (Solidago rigida) |
Savannah Blazing Star (Liatris scariosa)
Smooth Rockcress (Boechera lavigata)
jumping bristletail (Archeognatha: Machilidae)
periodical cicada (Magicicada sp.)
browse damage on Trillium nivale
Trillium nivale stunted by non-alkaline substrate
Davey Woods State Nature Preserve
Huffman Prairie State Natural Landmark
Massie Creek, Indian Mound Reserve
Huffman Prairie State Natural Landmark
Pope Lake State Natural Area (see original here).
Other Illustrations
Untitled. Pen and colored pencil.
Stained Glass 2. Charcoal and colored pencil. |
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Grass in Wind and Sun. Vine Charcoal.