
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Current Work

I work now on new lichen series. This with watercolor and gouache. I never use before, so everything new. I draw a lot concept picture before; I want understand this lichen! People ignore a lot microlichen, and I want show people.

You can see lichen on rock really small. First painting close finished, I think. Need still finish other two. This not for coasters; no more coasters for draw! This for wall.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Local Urban Lichens

Recently, I finish new series for coasters, name "Local Urban Lichens". I draw four local lichens, they all I can find close outside, not need walk far. They all on trees.

Candelaria concolor also name candle flame lichen. It yellow, little, and everywhere. A lot time it very messy, so I show very messy this drawing. Think, it like a lot nitrogen, so find more near farms.

Physcia millegrana name mealy rosette lichen, similar C. concolor it very messy. A lot times only seem have soredia, not have any arms. Mealy rosette everywhere, truly. Can find sometimes in city centers.

Physcia stellaris name starry rosette lichen. It same genus mealy rosette, but it not messy, it round. It have a lot apothecia big and small often, so I draw with a lot. starry rosette like new branch, so find on young tree or on high new branch.

Flavoparmelia caperata name common greenshield lichen. It name greenshield because it big and round and light green. It not like bad air, so need find on tree close to quiet road.

I don't know which my favorite. They all amazing!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

How I practice.

My sister talk about how I practice. She say I practice good, and say I need tell people how I practice. I play guitar and basketball, and I fight Dagorhir and draw, so I need practice a lot. Not very good basketball, but I still practice. I practice how?

1. I warm up. Always. If not warm up, not feel right, nothing ready. When play guitar, I do hammer pull work out, arpeggio, and a little bit chords. For basketball I throw whatever, not try do hard, not try too much. If not feel right, can't do. Sometimes for guitar need listen music. If can't feel inside, can't play good. I always need warm up for Dagorhir, because if not I feel sick and sword hurt. If warm up, a little while feel ready and can practice. And practice same same act, so if act, need warm up first. Practice and act not different, act only for more people.

2. Work slow and small. If try first work big and fast, never very good. My skill come from little things. Guitar, I move finger a little bit, and move other finger a little bit, and that everything guitar. When skilled move slow, can move more fast, but not feel fast, feel same because still move only a little bit. Can do basketball and Dagorhir. Can do with anything. Learn move right first, learn move slow, learn move a little bit, and after add and more fast.

3. But try learn difficult things. If only do easy things, never improve. So happen guitar, I try learn difficult songs, and I improve a lot, fast! If only try learn easy, if I improve, only really slow. Feel never improve if only try easy.

4. Always finish good. Sometimes have bad day, not feel right, can't feel rhythm inside. So happen not play good, not fight good. If happen, and I feel bad, I always do something KNOW can do. If basketball, make one more easy throw. If guitar, play something I know good, know can do. If Dagorhir, do easy sword work out.
If finish bad, feel bad after, not want continue practice tomorrow. So make end good.

I know not write good, so hope if person read this, can understand. Now my sister not bother me.

Early Spring Wildflowers

I draw this recently. Early spring wildflowers my favorite. Draw with pen and color pencil. They for in picture coasters. We have empty picture coasters, so happen I think, maybe I draw something for inside. This happen.

Purple cress bloom first, really early. Next, Hepatica, spring beauty, cutleaf toothwort, and rue anemone. Blood root really special, it only bloom really small time, April, maybe one week. Beautiful bloodroot flower sign from Kyne now spring. I pray that flower. First time I see in forest, I kneel, I cry.

You know, not big flower, maybe one inch. No, too much. It small and white. A lot early wildflower white. And it have flat leaf robe. But it star, I think. Blood root special and best. I like all, but blood root favorite.


Hello. This my blog. Here I give things people. Yes, I write bad. Sorry. My sisters they say, "need practice write. Know your mind think different, but need try practice." Hope you can understand. Maybe you can't. If not, you can understand pictures I post, my drawings, things. I have hand write journal, write every day. Sometimes think, maybe can give other people, but how? Facebook terrible, other site terrible. Try here. If still terrible can stop.

Blog name from "Ver Sacrum", art noveau magazine 1898-1903. Mean, "sacred spring". My blog name "Ex Vere Sacro" mean "come from sacred spring", my mom tell me. Think right.