Recently, I finish new series for coasters, name "Local Urban Lichens". I draw four local lichens, they all I can find close outside, not need walk far. They all on trees.
Candelaria concolor also name candle flame lichen. It yellow, little, and everywhere. A lot time it very messy, so I show very messy this drawing. Think, it like a lot nitrogen, so find more near farms.
Physcia millegrana name mealy rosette lichen, similar C. concolor it very messy. A lot times only seem have soredia, not have any arms. Mealy rosette everywhere, truly. Can find sometimes in city centers.
Physcia stellaris name starry rosette lichen. It same genus mealy rosette, but it not messy, it round. It have a lot apothecia big and small often, so I draw with a lot. starry rosette like new branch, so find on young tree or on high new branch.
Flavoparmelia caperata name common greenshield lichen. It name greenshield because it big and round and light green. It not like bad air, so need find on tree close to quiet road.
I don't know which my favorite. They all amazing!
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