
Thursday, August 24, 2017

It filled the blue violet sky.

Monday, I went to my grandparents their house for the total solar eclipse. Now, I feel I am forgetting. I painted today, trying to remember. I used a chalk drawing I made on Monday. I tried really hard to remember, but I am still forgetting. I remember the colors. The sky close to the sun was blue violet, deep; my friend said "blue violet void". The sky, more far away, was orange and yellow. I can see planets, maybe stars. Trees and houses and people were blue black shadows.

Most, I remember the corona, the white wisp cotton ghost around the bright ring around the moon; my mom said "gossamer". I want to remember this most, but I am forgetting things. I try to see picture in my mind, but now I remember more my remembering. I drew the chalk drawing, remembering, and then I painted it, remembering from remembering. I am too far from the real thing now for know if I am remembering or faking. I talked with my mom, I said, you remember long tail on left side? you remember break with blue violet sky on an other side? You remember, it was really big? She said, she remembers. She said, I remember right.

But it is really hard to remember. I could see the corona only one minute and 40 seconds. I tried to take picture, but cameras can't see it. They see the ring, but they miss the color of the sky, and they can't remember the big corona. No photographs are right. The painting from today, it is closer.

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